Nacimiento de Luis García B...
Studies in Switzerland
Spanish Civil War
The Blue Division
“Cajón de perro” (Dog Box)
Entering the Film School
“Familia provisional” (Temp...
“La huida”
“Esa pareja feliz” (That Ha...
Joining Uninci
“Bienvenido, mister Marshal...
“Novio a la vista” (“...
Marriage to María Jesús
Journey with Zavattini
Birth of José Luis García B...
Conversaciones de Salamanca
“Los jueves, milagro”
Birth of Jorge Berlanga
Encounter with Rafael Azcon...
Birth of Carlos Berlanga
“Plácido” in Hollywood
“Las cuatro verdades” (The ...
“El verdugo” (The Executioner)
Agreement with Cesáreo Gonz...
“La boutique” (The Boutique)
“Vivan los novios” (Long Li...
Birth of Fernando García Be...
“La escopeta nacional”
“La Sonrisa Vertical” (The ...
Premiere of “Tamaño natural”
President of the Filmoteca ...
“Patrimonio nacional” (Nati...
Premio Nacional de Cinemato...
“Nacional III” (National III)
Medalla de Oro de Bellas Ar...
Dismissal as President of t...
Homage in Hollywood
“La vaquilla” (The Heifer)
Creation of the Academia de...
Príncipe de Asturias Award
“Moros y cristianos” (Moors...
Real Academia de Bellas Art...
“Todos a la cárcel”
“Villarriba y Villabajo”
“Todos a la cárcel” at the ...
“Tres forasters de Madrid” ...
“Blasco Ibáñez”
Doctor Honoris Causa by the...
“París-Tombuctú” (Paris-Tim...
Death of Carlos Berlanga
Presentation of his persona...
Death of Luis García Berlanga
Berlanga Film Museum presen...
Salamanca Discussions
Presentation of The Executi...
Mostra de Valencia, Mediter...
Goya Awards, 4th edition
Presentation of the Spanish...
Elia Kazan and Luis García ...
Goya Awards, 7th edition
Goya Awards, 8th edition
Goya Awards, 9th edition
Presentation of the Spanish...
Centenary of the Spanish Ci...
Goya Awards, 10th edition
Presentation of the Spanish...
Generalitat Valenciana Vale...
Goya Awards, 14th edition
Goya Awards, 15th edition
Award from the FAD (Foundat...
Presentation of the Spanish...
50th Aniversary of “W...
Goya Awards, XVII edition